MH Corporate is a clean, modern and fully responsive WordPress theme for corporate and business websites. The theme can also be used as a classic blog WordPress theme or by using the included and fully widgetized homepage template you will also be able to run a modern and stylish online magazine. Here you can view the changelog regarding updates for MH Corporate WordPress Theme.
v2.3.4 20-02-2021
- Fix: "jQuery.fn.load() is deprecated" error latest WordPress jQuery migrate changes
- WordPress v5.6.1 compatibility
v2.3.3 04-05-2020
- Fix: Changed child theme template tag
- WordPress v5.4.1 compatibility
v2.3.2 20-03-2020
- Tweak: Removed Google+ from author profile on backend
- Fix: Breadcrumb markup was missing the "position" meta property
v2.3.1 31-01-2020
- Tweak: Breadcrumb now uses "" instead of the deprecated ""
- WordPress v5.3.2 compatibility
v2.3.0 22-05-2019
- Added theme updater
v2.2.2 18-05-2018
- Added support for GDPR features in WP 4.9.6
- Updated translation files
v2.2.1 04-06-2017
- Added CSS to support new core widgets in WordPress 4.8
- Updated Facebook JavaScript-SDK to v2.9
- Updated theme related links in WordPress dashboard to HTTPS
v2.2.0 04-04-2016
- Overall code maintenance
- Fixed issue with WordPress comments appearing on BuddyPress pages
- Fixed font color of widget headings in WordPress dashboard
- Added conditional IDs / CSS classes to widgets for flexible styling
- Added missing escaping to links in WP dashboard
- Added CSS class to image placeholders
- Added selective refresh support for widgets (introduced in WP 4.5)
- Added option to MH YouTube Video widget to enable autoplay
- Added option to MH YouTube Video widget to display video title / information
- Added option to MH YouTube Video widget to display player controls
- Added option to MH YouTube Video widget to enable recommended videos
- Modified iframe of MH YouTube Video widget to allow fullscreen mode
- Added theme support for title tags (introduced in WP 4.1)
- Added support for HTML in image caption of featured image
- Added support for HTML in description of author box
- Added option to MH Custom Slider widget to open links in new browser window / tab
- Added option to filter multiple categories by ID to MH Spotlight widget
- Added separate panel for theme options in customizer (introduced in WP 4.0.0)
- Added Google Webfonts character subsets for arabic, hebrew and vietnamese language
- Added several new Google Webfonts to fonts collection in customizer
- Improved implementation of Google Webfonts
- Improved sanitization of options in customizer
- Improved sanitization of data in custom widgets
- Removed option to add favicon in favor of Site Icon feature (introduced in WP 4.3)
- Removed option to disable comments on pages (disabled by default since WP 4.3)
- Removed redundant custom controls for WP customizer
- Removed redundant file author.php
- Removed redundant MH Affiliate widget (text widget can be used instead)
- Updated theme screenshot
- Updated translation files
- Updated german translation
v2.1.1 09-08-2015
- Replaced default logo with new version
- Updated theme screenshot
- Updated child theme with new theme screenshot
- Updated constructor method for WP_Widget to fully support WordPress 4.3.0
- Updated translation files
- Updated german translation
v2.1.0 21-04-2015
- Fixed small syntax error in mh_head_misc();
- Improved handling of responsive embeds
- Included css3-mediaqueries.js because Google Code will cease operations
- Added proper copyright attribution to readme.txt
- Added theme info page to WordPress dashboard
- Added MH YouTube widget to easily display responsive YouTube videos
- Added MH Facebook page widget (replaced MH Facebook likebox widget)
- Removed MH Facebook likebox widget (deprecated from June 23rd 2015)
- Removed theme dashboard widget (replaced by theme info page)
- Updated Facebook SDK
- Updated child theme to load stylesheet with wp_enqueue_scripts() instead of @import
- Updated translation files
- Updated german translation
v2.0.3 20-12-2014
- Improved handling of options for customizer in WP 4.1
v2.0.2 18-12-2014
- Improved handling of FlexSlider
- Replaced theme screenshot
- Replaced ads for MH Affiliate widget
- Moved child theme to add-ons folder
- Added dutch translation - thanks to Aart Schmitz
v2.0.1 12-09-2014
- Minor CSS adjustments
- Improved validation for custom excerpt length and custom font size (added fallback)
- Fixed issue with content width on full-width page template
- Fixed issue with responsive layout on smartphones and tablets
- Changed prefix of theme options to match text domain
v2.0.0 07-09-2014
- Recoded and simplified theme to provide better solution for business users
- Several code improvements and CSS adjustments
- Reorganized file structure
- Reorganized and unburdened options panel
- Reduced and rearranged widget areas on homepage template
- Fixed issue with incorrect page title on posts page
- Fixed issue with repeating featured image on paginated posts
- Fixed issue with margins in header
- Removed unnecessary and bloating functions
- Removed integration of prettyPhoto lightbox (plugin recommended)
- Stopped duplicate loading of jQuery migrate
- Improved implementation of Google Webfonts
- Improved custom header functionality
- Improved layout of not found / 404 page
- Improved responsive layout for mobile devices
- Updated text in theme support dashboard widget
- Theme support dashboard widget will now only be displayed for admins
- Added option to disable Google Webfonts
- Added option to choose character sets (subsets) for Google Webfonts
- Added option to modify imported font styles of Google Webfonts
- Added 404 template for improved handling of 404 errors
- Added prefix to important CSS classes to improve plugin compatibility
- Added better solution for mobile navigation
- Added nofollow-tag to footer credit link
- Updated stylesheet for RTL languages (rtl.css)
- Updated color options for improved usability
- Updated Modernizr script to latest version (v2.8.3)
- Updated FlexSlider to latest version (v2.2.2)
- Updated readme.txt with licenses of bundled resources
- Replaced theme screenshot to meet WordPress requirements
- i18n improvements for better translations
- Added .pot file for easier translations
- Updated translation strings
- Updated german translation
v1.8.0 09-02-2014
- Several code improvements and CSS adjustments
- Added option to set position of share buttons on posts
- Added new layout option to set number of sidebars
- Removed depreciated option to enable second sidebar
- Added new layout option to select responsive or fixed layout
- Removed depreciated option to disable responsive layout
- Added custom excerpt support for pages
- Added option to MH Custom Posts widget to filter posts by multiple categories
- Added option to link title of MH Custom Posts widget to custom URL
- Added MH Custom Pages widget to display pages based on page IDs
- Added MH Custom Slider widget to display custom content in slider
- Added MH Affiliate widget to promote WordPress themes by MH Themes
- Fixed issue where disabling the prettyPhoto lightbox produced an error
- Fixed issue where author name was not displayed properly on author archives
- Improved slider widgets can now be used multiple times per page
- Improved options for several custom widgets
- Improved options to disable post meta like date, author or comments
- Improved styling of header image / logo fallback
- Improved excerpts will now display more-link also for manual excerpts
- Properly hooked wp_link_pages() to fix issue with paginated posts
- Updated jQuery to v1.10.2
- Replaced jQuery Migrate v1.2.1 with minified version for better performance
- Updated text and image of theme support dashboard widget
- Changed color of widgets in admin dashboard to match design of WP 3.8
- Added italian translation
- Updated translation strings
v1.7.0 28-10-2013
- Several code improvements
- Added child theme files
- Improved readability of typography
- Reorganized file structure to improve performance
- Fixed issue where shortcodes for content ad on posts did not work
- Removed option to change position of share buttons
- Replaced [content_box] with [box] shortcode
- Improved [box] shortcode / new attributes "toggle" and "height"
- Highlighted MH widgets with a darker color in WordPress admin
- Improvements for several widgets
- Added several new theme options
- Added some useful theme action hooks
- Added breadcrumb rich snippet support
- Added breadcrumb custom post types support
- Moved CSS for RTL support to separate stylesheet rtl.css
- Added swedish translation - thanks to Joel Sannemalm
- Added hebrew translation - thanks to Yosi Avneri
- Added "Theme Support" dashboard widget to WordPress admin
v1.6.0 13-08-2013
- Several small CSS adjustments
- Several code improvements
- Changed [testimonials] shortcode to multi-purpose [slider] shortcode
- Added jQuery migrate plugin to restore deprecated and removed functionality
- Added missing
- tags to social widget
- Added filter to output wp_title()
- Added widget areas above and below content on single posts
- Added widget areas above and below content on pages
- Added border around content by default on pages and contact template
- Added new template: page without border
- Added navigation with previous/next links to single post and attachment view
- Added option to enable navigation links on posts and attachments
- Added fallback in case that no header image is set
- Added new attribute \'height\' to [content_box] shortcode to set minimum height
- Improved output of [content_box] shortcode
- Removed Customizer link in appearance menu because it\'s now default in WP 3.6
- Renamed responsive [video] shortcode to [flexvid] due to conflicts in WP 3.6
- Combined breadcrumb options to one single option (enable/disable)
- Improved output of breadcrumbs
- Reduced the number of HTTP requests to improve performance
- Updated translation strings
v1.5.0 24-06-2013
- Several code improvements
- Improvements in layout, design and font-size
- Changed order of related posts from date to random
- Changed file structure to prepare for implementation of post formats
- Updated Facebook Likebox code to new version
- Added options to disable faces, stream, header and border of Facebook Likebox widget
- Added option to upload a favicon
- Extended options of custom posts widget to display excerpts for every post
- Added option to disable post meta of custom posts widget
- Added option to disable post meta on single posts and archives
- Fixed rel="prettyPhoto" now will be added automatically
- Added option to disable prettyPhoto lightbox
- Added option to social widget to open links in new window / tab
- Added option to social widget to set links to nofollow
- Replaced icons of social widget - thanks to G. Pritiranjan Das
- Added YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Pinterest, Instagram, Myspace to social widget
- Removed Xing from social widget
- Added option to enable comments on pages (disabled by default)
- Comments and pingbacks / trackbacks are now displayed separate
- Added caption text to featured images on posts
- Improved output of alt and title of featured images on posts
- Improved output of image captions
- Improved support for post attachments
- index.php is now more generic and has replaced several archive templates
- Updated translation strings
v1.0.0 13-05-2013
- Initial release