Tuto is a flat-design magazine and blog WordPress theme with a fully responsive layout. You can use Tuto for modern news websites, cool online magazines, blogs or other content focused websites. After you've uploaded and installed Tuto WordPress theme through your WordPress dashboard, you can proceed with the theme configuration by following the few simple steps as stated in this article.
How to Configure Tuto WordPress Theme? #
After you have installed Tuto WordPress Theme, you can start with the theme configuration. In case you need help with the installation, please see this tutorial first: How to install a WordPress theme.
- How to display posts on your front page
- Locations to place WordPress widgets on your website
- Image dimensions, featured images and thumbnails
- Available theme options to configure your WordPress theme
- How to display social icons in header/footer on your website
- How to upload a logo and display the site title on your website
- How to upload a header and background image
How to Display Posts on your Front Page #
By default Tuto WordPress theme is not using a static front page. In case you prefer the same look as you can see in the theme demo, then all you need to do is to make sure that your website displays the latest posts on the front page. If that's the case, then you have almost completed the theme configuration of this magazine WordPress theme.
In case your previous WordPress theme was using a static front page, please navigate to Settings => Reading in your WordPress dashboard and ensure that you have selected Your latest posts for your front page. In case you rather prefer using a static front page and display custom content on your front page instead of the post feed, you can of course do this as well with Tuto WordPress theme. So it’s completely up to you and you can do as you like and what's best for your website.
Available Widget Locations #
Tuto WordPress theme has in total 4 widget locations included where you can place default WordPress widgets, custom widgets, advertisements or any other content that is available as widget.
- Sidebar: Widget area / sidebar on front page, posts, pages and archives
- Footer 1 – Footer 3: Widget areas within the footer across your website
In your WordPress dashboard under Appearance => Widgets you will find the available default WordPress widgets as well as the included MH Custom Posts widget to display particular posts. You can place your preferred widgets into the particular widget areas / sidebars as you like.
Images in Tuto WordPress Theme #
Usually WordPress themes have defined their own image dimensions and thumbnail sizes. These thumbnails are automatically generated by WordPress when you upload a new image. After you've switched to another WordPress theme, it may happen that the thumbnail requirements of your new theme do not match the sizes of the available thumbnails in your media folder. If that's the case, your thumbnails usually won't look consistent in size and you'll need to regenerate your thumbnails.
Recommended Image Dimensions #
- 905 x 509px (Thumbnails for featured image on single posts)
- 360 x 270px (Thumbnails for posts on archives)
- 100 x 75px (Thumbnails for MH Custom Posts widget)
Tuto WordPress theme makes use of featured images for the thumbnails on archives and within custom widgets. If you previously have uploaded images to your website or in case you have embedded images manually to your posts and if these images don't appear as thumbnails on archives and within custom widgets, please see: How to use featured images in WordPress.
Theme Options #
After you have completed the basic theme configuration of Tuto WordPress theme, you can start creating and publishing new awesome content or have a look at the other available theme options and use additional theme features as you like to take your website to the next level. You can access the theme options panel through your WordPress dashboard under Appearance => Customize => Theme Options, where you will find these particular sections with options:
General #
- Change custom excerpt length in words
- Change custom excerpt more-text
Layout #
- Enable/disable magazine layout on archives
- Set position of default sidebar (right/left)
- Enable/disable author box below post content
- Enable/disable post/attachment navigation
Social Icons Menu #
Tuto displays social icons in the header and footer. To create a social icons menu with custom links to your social media channels, please go to Appearance => Menus in your WordPress dashboard and assign your newly created custom menu to the Social Icons menu slot. The theme will then automatically recognize the social networks based on their URLs and display the specific icons.
Currently the following networks are supported: Behance, Dribbble, Facebook, Flickr, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Soundcloud, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, Xing and YouTube.
Logo and Site Title #
When using Tuto WordPress theme you can upload a custom logo and display / hide the site title and tagline on your website. You can make these changes when you navigate to Appearance => Customize => Site Identity in your WordPress dashboard.
Header and Background Image #
If you like, you can also upload a full-width header image under Appearance => Customize => Header Image in your WordPress dashboard. And in case you would like to upload a background image as well, simply go to Appearance => Customize => Background Image to upload and set a nice and appealing custom background image for your website.
Do you need additional assistance? #
If you've purchased a WordPress theme by MH Themes, you have theme support included and we're always happy to help if you need additional assistance with your WordPress theme. We also have published several tutorials and answers to frequently asked questions in our Support Center, which usually covers all you need to get your website up and running.