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  4. How to add your website to the MH Themes Showcase

How to add your website to the MH Themes Showcase

You might have noticed the showcase on our website, where we feature some awesome websites of users who are running Premium WordPress Themes by MH Themes. We often get requests from users who want to know how they can list their websites in the MH Themes Showcase. To improve this process, we’ve created this article where you can submit your website to the MH Themes Showcase.

MH Themes Showcase
In the MH Themes Showcase you can view awesome user websites that are running WordPress themes by MH Themes

Send us your Feedback and Testimonials

If you are happy with your WordPress theme by MH Themes and would like to submit your website to the showcase, please send us your customer feedback and testimonials. We love reading about how you are using your WordPress theme to create fantastic websites and especially what you like most about your WordPress theme. We collect all customer feedback and testimonials, monitor the submitted websites and add the best looking websites to our showcase on a regular basis. The showcase is ideal to present your website to a large audience from around the world and it also helps us to show potential customers what is possible with WordPress themes by MH Themes.

Requirements for the MH Themes Showcase

To ensure the quality and variety of the websites in the MH Themes Showcase, there are some requirements. Please check the list below and in case your website meets the following requirements, we would love to add your site to the MH Themes Showcase:

  • You have purchased a Premium WordPress Theme by MH Themes
  • Your site looks awesome and you’re getting great feedback from your users
  • The uploaded images on your website are high quality and consistent in size
  • You have no offensive or illegal material on your website
  • You have no obtrusive advertising on your website, like annoying pop-ups or else
  • You have published enough content to fill at least the front page of your website

We are very excited to see what awesome websites you have created with WordPress themes by MH Themes and we’re looking forward to your user feedback. In case you want to add your website to the MH Themes Showcase, email us at support@mhthemes.com.

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