Important: Please notice that this resource shows how to arrange the widgets and configure the options of MH Magazine to replicate the look of the demo. If you are looking for general instructions regarding the installation and configuration of the theme, please refer to the theme documentation.
Configure Layout Options
MH Magazine WordPress Theme has several layout options included which you can use to change the look and feel of your website with only a few clicks in the options panel. If you want to configure your theme like the layout that is showing in demo 2 of MH Magazine WordPress Theme, please navigate to Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options in your WordPress dashboard and ensure that the options are set like this:
- Widget Titles: Layout 3
The other layout options can keep their default settings or you may of course change the settings as you prefer, because what is shown in the demo is only an example of what is possible and you can further use the flexibility of these options as you like to configure your website.
Change Color Scheme
The MH Magazine theme includes several color options (colorpickers) which you can use to easily change the color scheme of the theme with only a few simple clicks in the options panel. If you want to have the same color scheme that is shown in demo 2 of MH Magazine, please change the color options in your WordPress dashboard under Appearance => Colors like this:
- Theme Color 2: #b6272b
- Theme Color 3: #ededed
- Text: General: #1f1e1e
- Links: Content on Posts/Pages: #b6272b
- Links: Hover Color: #b6272b
The other color options can keep their default values or you may change these other options as well like you prefer.
Placing widgets like in Demo 2 of MH Magazine
In order to replicate the look of the widgetized front page like seen in demo 2 of MH Magazine, it is essential and required that you have created and set a static front page correctly in your WordPress dashboard first and after that has been completed, you need to place the particular widgets in your WordPress dashboard under Appearance => Widgets into the following widget areas to replicate the look of the front page in demo 2:
- Header 2: Default WordPress Text widget with advertisement
- Home 1: MH Slider widget (Layout 2)
- Home 2: MH Spotlight widget
- Home 2: Default WordPress Text widget with advertisement
- Home 6: Default WordPress Text widget with advertisement
- Home 6: MH Custom Posts widget with posts ordered by Popular
- Home 7: MH Carousel widget
- Home 8 – Home 10: MH Custom Posts widget with enabled excerpts for first post (1st row)
- Home 8 – Home 10: Default WordPress Text widget with advertisement (2nr row)
- Home 8 – Home 10: MH Custom Posts widget with enabled excerpts for first post (3rd row)
- Home 11: Default WordPress Text widget with advertisement
- Footer 1: MH Author Bio widget
- Footer 2: Default WordPress Custom Menu widget
- Footer 3: Default WordPress Recent Posts widget
- Footer 4: MH Recent Comments widget
- Sidebar: Default WordPress Text widget with advertisement
- Sidebar: MH Facebook Page widget
- Sidebar: MH Tabbed widget
- Sidebar: MH Authors widget
- Sidebar: Default WordPress Text widget with advertisement
Note: If these widgets don’t appear on your front page after you have placed them correctly in your WordPress dashboard, then it’s very likely that you haven’t yet created a static front page properly and haven’t assigned the widgetized Homepage template to your static front page as instructed in the theme documentation for MH Magazine.
You can find further instructions regarding the installation and configuration of the MH Magazine WordPress Theme in the theme documentation.