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  4. How to solve issues with MH Authors widget

How to solve issues with MH Authors widget

Left-side of MH Authors widget is being cut-off!

Try disabling all plugins as this is caused by a conflict between theme CSS and plugin CSS, it seems the reason is the “LDD Directory Lite” plugin on your site. If you don’t see changes after disabling the plugin, then you’ll need to clear your browser cache and reload the site in your browser.

I want to show post title in this widget too?

The widget you need for your purpose isn’t available out of the box. You could try to find a plugin that meets your requirements

New user roles aren’t being detected

Currently the widget is displaying a static list of default WordPress roles, which means custom roles aren’t supported out-of-the-box I’m afraid, unless you manually extended the array that contains the roles available, and add the role to the dropdown list.


How can I remove the article count from the MH Authors widget?

Using your child theme style.css file, add this:

.mh-user-data { display: none; }

How can I remove the avatars from displaying in the MH Authors widget?

Select “No Avatars” from the Avatar Size dropdown list within the widget settings.

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