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Solving issues with social icons menu

Some of our WordPress themes (e.g. MH Magazine) have a social icons menu in the header and/or footer included (depending on your theme). The social icons menu is a regular custom menu in WordPress which is able to display social icons linked to your preferred social networks and profiles. If you have any issues with the social icons menu, please have a look at the following solutions to common issues related to social menus.

How to create a social icons menu in WordPress #

If you are using one of our WordPress themes which allows to display social menus, you can take advantage of this feature and easily create your own social menu. We have published a detailed tutorial and summarized all necessary steps to set up a social icons menu in WordPress which also covers how to open social menu icons in new tabs and more, please see this tutorial: How to create a Social Icons Menu in WordPress.

Which social networks can be displayed in the social icons menu #

Out of the box, the social icons menu makes use of the popular Font Awesome icons which are integrated in most of our WordPress themes. The social networks that are currently supported for the social icons menu are: Behance, Dribbble, Facebook, Flickr, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Soundcloud, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, Xing and YouTube.

In case your preferred social network isn't listed, you would need to add support for this additional icon via custom coding. If you're familiar with coding, you could check if there is a Font Awesome icon available for your preferred social network or otherwise include other 3rd party icons as you like. If there is a Font Awesome icon available, you simply could add support for your preferred social icon with a line of CSS - here an example to support GitHub:

.mh-social-icons li a[href*=""] .fa-mh-social:before { content: '\f09b'; }

When you add menu items in the social icons menu with links to social networks or other URLs that aren't supported out of the box, the RSS feed icon will be used as icon for these custom links.

Social icons not showing correctly in social icons menu #

If you have inserted links to your social networks but the according social icons are not displaying as expected, this can have several reasons. Please ensure that the URL to your preferred social network is correct and make sure that the social icon is supported and you have assigned the menu to the correct menu slot. Take a look at our tutorial: How to create a Social Icons Menu in WordPress.

How to add social icons menu to preferred menu slot #

Depending on the WordPress theme you are using, you may display the social icons menu in the header, footer or inside the MH Social widget which you may place in any suitable widget area you like. To display your social menu, you simply need to create a custom social menu with custom links to your social media channels in your WordPress dashboard under Appearance => Menus and assign this menu to the preferred social menu slot: Creating Social Icons Menu in WordPress.

How to customize the design of the social icons menu #

If you're familiar with coding and want to apply CSS customizations to the social icons menu, you could use tools such as Firebug to inspect the particluar elements, check the CSS code and then use that information to apply your own CSS code. Here you can find more information regarding customizations: WordPress Theme Customizations.

You have not found a solution to your issue? #

In case you have not found answers to your questions in this support article, please also take a look at our other support topics, as it is very likely that you will find your answer there. If you have purchased a WordPress theme by MH Themes and have a valid license to gain access to theme updates and support, then you may also send a support request for additional assistance.

Updated on 29. November 2023

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