12 Most Selling Best Directory WordPress Themes 2014

Imagine what a telephone directory used to be in the past. Even today, it has not lost its relevance. The only change that has pervaded it is, that the directory has become digital. The unique and useful concept of the directory has also led to the birth of many directory sites that are storehouses of information about many things, right from people to places. Creating…

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8+ Advanced WordPress listing and classifieds themes for directory sites

Classifieds advertisement and listings websites can easily be created using the power of WordPress and a suitable directory WordPress theme. Classifieds advertising is a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide. Largely with thanks to online classifieds advertising, the industry is continuing to create consistent growth. Choosing the right WordPress theme for your directory is an all-important decision to make, and it should never be taken lightly. Harnessing…

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