HostingPress is a fully responsive WordPress theme which can be used to create websites for hosting providers and companies which offer any kind of hosting related products or services. HostingPress is very versatile and can thus be customized by choosing from 4 homepage variations, 3 landing page variations and 20+ page templates. You can also take advantage of the included premium plugins, like Visual Composer or WP Domain Checker to take your website to the next level. With HostingPress you can further depict your services in a customer-friendly way by making use of icons and graphics.

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Modern Hosting WP Template

Satria hosting WordPress theme is a clean and simple template for hosting websites to present hosting plans and available hosting services. This hosting WordPress theme offers four homepage variations, fully responsive design, mega menu navigation and many more awesome features. Besides, Satria...


Flexible Hosting Theme

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Ainex Host

Responsive WP Theme

Ainex Host WHMCS WordPress Integration Theme is a 100% responsive template for hosting or server businesses. Ainex Host is offering the live composer to easily create your content by drag & drop. Besides, this hosting WordPress theme is fully responsive and built on the REDUX framework which...

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