Tips on protecting your website from unreliable web hosts

Before launching your business website, you will need to choose a reliable hosting provider. Your website’s host will hold all the website files for you and make your website available for all the world to see. There are plenty of web host companies, but not all of them perform well. Just like any service provider, there are some who provide bad service while there are…

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What you should focus on when choosing WordPress hosting plans

There is no doubt that WordPress is one of the most popular CMS platforms today. Not only is it used everyday by millions of bloggers, it also powers thousands of other websites whose primary role is more business-oriented. Considering it is easy to use and offers a lot of plugins to help your blog rank higher in search engine results, it’s no wonder more and…

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud-Based Amazon Web Services

Amazon has long dominated the web as one of the biggest online marketplaces. But did you know that this marketplace giant is now making its mark in the web services department? Their Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform is a cloud-based computing service that offers various services such as database storage, computing power, content delivery, and other infrastructure services that help companies grow in the online…

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Things to know before hosting your own site

There is no doubt that many hosting companies offer attractive and affordable hosting packages. On top of promising great and quality services, they often cost between $5 and $10/month – a cost many of us can easily afford. However, what happens when you’re not yet ready to invest in a professional hosting plan and you just want to learn and understand how websites work? In…

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Cloud trends that will dominate 2017

Technology is moving forward at a rapid pace. Along with new trends dominating the online marketing world and the dawn of the mobile revolution, many businesses are shifting their services to cloud computing. Moreover, cloud computing is one of the fastest growing trends that doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. When you take into consideration all the benefits of cloud computing such as reduced…

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The truth about unlimited bandwidth in web hosting

As a website owner, there are two essential things to keep in mind when comparing hosting plans. These are the bandwidth and the storage. These two factors are important to help manage the data in every website. Nowadays, most hosting providers claim to offer unlimited bandwidth and storage in the hopes of attracting more customers. They are extremely popular because who wouldn’t be interested in…

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WordPlace Review – Professional Managed WordPress Hosting

WordPlace is a web host that belongs to a specific class of web hosts known as “managed WordPress hosts”. Managed WordPress hosting, a specialized hosting environment optimized for WordPress sites, became a thing as WordPress grew more and more popular. Nowadays, WordPress users have several managed hosts to choose from, and companies like WP Engine, Kinsta and Flywheel have set standards for managed WordPress hosting.…

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WordPress Backup: Why it’s important to regularly backup your WordPress site and database

Site maintenance and management are essential and crucial aspects of running a WordPress website. One important element is a regular WordPress backup routine. In the early days of the internet there were mostly simple HTML sites tailored together, and back then – backups were not really something that people thought much of. Nowadays times have changed and nearly every website, blog, or professional news magazine…

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Cloudways Review: Fast WordPress hosting and lightweight themes – A combination that always wins

The biggest fall-out of the digital revolution is arguably the decline of the human attention span. According to a study by Microsoft, it has been found that people generally lose their concentration after 8 seconds which is lower than that of a goldfish (9 seconds). If you are an online business in today’s landscape, the above statistic is critically significant for you. As the modern…

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