Technology is moving forward at a rapid pace. Along with new trends dominating the online marketing world and the dawn of the mobile revolution, many businesses are shifting their services to cloud computing. Moreover, cloud computing is one of the fastest growing trends that doesn't show any signs of slowing down.
When you take into consideration all the benefits of cloud computing such as reduced costs, flexibility and agility, it's no wonder that business owners around the world are investing in cloud technology. If you want to put your business miles ahead of your competition, then cloud computing might be just what you need. Here are the cloud trends that will dominate in 2017.
Hybrid Cloud
The Hybrid Cloud environment is an amalgamation of private and public cloud technologies. Using this technology ensures the flexibility, cost-effectiveness, agility and scalability of the public cloud combined with the reliability and security of private cloud technologies.
Nowadays, when everything seems to be moving to the cloud, businesses must learn the technology roadmap to stay on top of the latest trends. However, it's not always easy to adopt cloud technology, especially if your business relies on legacy solutions. The good news is that support services will continue to flourish and allow organizations to employ the best solutions for their businesses which allow them to use the benefits of the cloud while still retaining a part of their business "on the ground."
With the popularity of cloud technologies, the conventional IT models have been disrupted including the running, maintaining and deploying of IT resources. Its roles will be replaced by the CloudOps functions, which improve the monitoring, managing, and governing of dynamic networking resources.
IT leaders will depend mostly on analytic solutions in order to keep track of cloud deployment costs and the capability of expanding swiftly. Businesses can take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing, such as efficient resource utilization and cost reduction. They will also learn how to identify the potential costly services and eventually avoid budget overruns.
Cloud Containment
Cloud applications’ components were held in containers and distributed to various cloud environments. A business can utilize cloud technology in switching between different cloud vendors and models in order to maximize the return on investment, technology potential, and the cost advantages, as well as reducing security and integration challenges.
Importing data to cloud technology
The ways in which data is imported and transferred to cloud ecosystems will continue to evolve and become easier. An individuals will be able to move the data into the cloud environment through self-service data prep and use cloud analytics even without technical expertise. Simple solutions will help resolve complex data integration, transformation, and staging.
Cloud-Native development
Applications that are utilizing cloud services and infrastructure provide superior efficiency, scalability and resilience. That’s why businesses should consider investing in apps that are created particularly for cloud platforms and not just as cloud-hosted ones.
IoT and Mobile
Transfer of information and mobility between the workforce and machine requires connectivity. By using cloud services and a centralized control system; repository and databases can be employed faster and easier as well as running and managing distributed mobile and Internet-enabled devices. Investing in the cloud will improve productivity among the workforce, create innovation and lead to a potential increase in return on investment.
IT will assume the role of brokers
As many enterprises have been using the cloud, there’s a great possibility that IT professionals will take over the role of brokers. This is possible since IT professionals have been developing proactive policies and innovative productivity tools that can be used by enterprises who are adopting cloud computing.
The price-based cloud battles will take the back seat
Giant cloud service providers have been competing on the price. However, those competitions will take a back seat as businesses and companies around the world start to consider other benefits of cloud hosting and computing, rather than putting their entire focus on the price.
Emergence of cloud security standards
The cloud environment has been developing security standards to maintain the safety of data transferred into the cloud. This will also protect businesses from the rising security threats against their critical information. Cloud security standards are more effective than implementing on-site security solutions.
Final Thoughts
Cloud solutions have matured and this is one of the reasons that attract organizations to make the move and use the apps and solutions of the cloud. Cloud migration is less challenging and stressful than before. Likewise, automation is a compelling reason for migrating IT workloads to the cloud. Businesses will benefit the most by using real-time analytics applications and this is possible through the cloud.
It's worth mentioning that any organization planning to adopt the cloud into their businesses should invest in training. Allowing their IT personnel to undergo training about cloud computing technology will enable them to know and learn the best practices and solutions appropriate for your business. It will also allow them to carry out the task of migrating to the cloud successfully.
Cloud computing has a bright future ahead and businesses that follow the trends can expect a higher return on investment through cloud practices.