Have you ever thought about designing a logo? Before getting into the specifics of choosing a logo design for your business, which amongst others will be used for your business website or corporate blog, it's important to mention that there is no right or wrong logo design. When it comes to company logos, you’re either instantly recognizable even by a toddler or you accept the fact that your business logo is not memorable and might fall into oblivion.
A logo, however, is one of the most important assets when it comes to your brand and it needs to not only communicate the vibe of your brand but be easily recognizable to your customers as well. The most important thing you need to remember while designing a logo is that the logo or the symbol you create for your company should support your business name, brand, and purpose.
Just think about the big brands – McDonalds, Audi, Nike, Twitter; they all have logos that speak for their businesses and become synonymous to the brand name. But how important are logos for a business? In this article, we'll discuss and put forward the various aspects that need to be considered when designing a logo and how to make your logo part of the brand recognition drive.
The importance of logo design
Logo design is an integral part of business branding because it helps create an identity or recognition for your business or product by increasing brand visibility. A logo can be designed using a symbol, a font, or a visual representation associated with your company name or purpose of your business activities. It also empowers your business to communicate using both visual and auditory signs which make your brand, your corporate design and your business unforgettable.
A good logo design is important since it symbolizes not only how customers perceive your company, but also how they feel about it. Your logo design should send positive vibes about your company, your product and your business philosophy. Your business logo and corporate design should also look great and maintain its proportions whether you use it in print media or on your website, social media feeds or whether you use it on a black or a colorful background.
How to choose the right logo design
When making the decision for a logo design, you have to keep a few things in mind that will help give your business the brand identity it deserves. Don't underestimate the brand awareness a good logo design can bring to your business. Try showing the McDonalds logo to children and you can bet they will immediately reply with I'm lovin' it. It's pretty clear that children associate the logo with McDonalds even if they don't understand what a logo is. Amazing isn't it?
If you want to have a creative logo for your business, try to get some logo inspiration first by looking at concepts from successful brands. You could also start a logo design contest where professional logo designers deliver their vision and concept for your brand or try a logo maker tool like from Designhill. There are a few significant things you need to consider when choosing a logo design. Those factors include visual representation, uniqueness of concept, and the memorability factor.
- Visual Representation: A good visual representation of your company logo adds to the branding potential of your business and it creates a visual impression in the minds of the people. They'll then start to relate the logo you've chosen to the brand which in many cases leads to the logo being a synonym for the brand or the product itself.
- Unique Concept: A unique concept in logo design will also help your brand stand out from its competitors and can be easily recognized and associated with your business.
- Memorability Factor: Many studies over the years have shown that people tend to remember a product or business by the logo rather than the brand name. This can be an advantage when you are contemplating a new product or a sub-product, where you can create a new logo by just adding the new name to the existing, popular logo. This helps create brand awareness of the new product amongst customers who can relate it to a well-known logo and brand.
The ancient connection to modern logo design
It has been proven throughout the years that symbols have been used since pre-historic times as means of communication. This practice dates back to the ancient Egyptians and their usage of hieroglyphics. Even today, symbols are used in our daily life; from roadside signs to store displays.
These symbols help us convey a message in a short and concise way instead of using long and complicated sentences. And in modern times, it is the LOGO that has replaced the hieroglyphics for brand development. You can use this to your advantage when creating your business logo design concept and corporate identity.
Conclusion: Business logo design can be a challenge
Designing a logo for your company can be a challenge. It must reflect the identity of your business or brand and should be well thought out. You can find lots of logo design inspiration online and there are plenty of professional logo designers available for hire. In order to design a company logo, you could also try logo design services (e.g. logo generators).
Do you have any graphic design tips for company logos? Tell us what inspired your company’s logo design. We’d love to hear your story, further design tips and logo examples in the comments.