MH Magazine Responsive WordPress Theme
MH Magazine Responsive WordPress Theme

Due to the major update this week for MH Magazine WordPress Theme v1.8.0 we have created an additional theme demo to show you what is now possible with the new layout options, which you can use to customize your website in a more flexible and very easy way.

=> View the new theme demo for MH Magazine <=

You can access the new "Layout Options" section through your WordPress dashboard, if you navigate to "Appearance => Customize => Layout Options". Within this options section you can:

  • Disable the responsive layout
  • Change the layout / CSS styling of your theme with a single click
  • Enlarge your site width from 980px to 1300px
  • Change the position of your default sidebar to left or right
  • Enable a second sidebar to add more additional content to your site

IMPORTANT: If you enable the second sidebar, your site width will always be forced to 1300px. If you don't want to activate a second sidebar, but want to enable the "Home 12" widget location on the "Homepage" template instead, please just set your site width to 1300px and the additional widget location will be activated.

How to change the position of the second sidebar

If you enable the second sidebar, it will be displayed always on the right side of your website on posts and pages. Next to the second sidebar, on the left, you will have your default sidebar, just like you are used to. If you want to have one sidebar on the left side of your website, your content in the middle and the other sidebar on the right side of your website, please change the position of your default sidebar in the "Layout Options".

How to setup a website just like in the new theme demo

If you wish to setup your website just like the new theme demo and benefit from the new layout options of MH Magazine WordPress Theme, then please follow these few simple steps:

  • Create a static front page and enable the widgetized "Homepage" template
  • Activate the second sidebar and set your site width to 1300px (Layout Options)
  • Enable "Layout 2" (Layout Options)
  • Place the widgets on the homepage, just like you want to have it

This is a screenshot how the new additional layout of MH Magazine WordPress Theme looks like:

MH Magazine WordPress Theme (Demo 2)
MH Magazine WordPress Theme with large site width (1300px) and "Layout 2" enabled