Writing Blog PostsSource: kaboompics / Pixabay.com
Image Source: kaboompics – Pixabay.com / License: CC0 Public Domain

Are you ready to publish some great blog posts? Blogging is more than just smashing words together on your keyboard, it's a way of life and finally there is recognition for the power of content marketing. Writing equally great blog posts isn't going to happen all the time, but with the help of planning - you can adjust the success of your WordPress website or blog ratio significantly.

Have a solid plan when you start blogging

While writing articles, you are very likely always hoping to hit the nail in the head with the subject you've chosen, the angle you've decided upon, and perhaps even the length of the post you're going to produce. These are all important factors that come into play. It's a lot easier to write a short blog post, than it is to write a long one. However, perhaps long-form content does have its advantages.

Average Content Length
Search engine rankings and average content length in words. (Image Source: serpiq.com)

From the above screenshot, you can clearly see the appeal that there is for long-form content, but without proper planning and thinking ahead - long-form pieces are usually going to look quite messy, and in some cases even unnecessary. If you have already written several dozens of such posts, you've come to realize that all you need is a solid plan, and then the ability to stick to it.

Step 1 - Pick the topic for your blog post

Content Idea
Image Source: artsvector – Pixabay.com / License: CC0 Public Domain

What are you going to write about? It's going to be difficult to write about something that you're not familiar with, so this part of the whole writing process should be taken very seriously. In the end - it's going to be the start and the finish of your post, so you should take certain things into consideration.

In general it is recommended that you avoid writing about topics and subjects that you're not particularly experienced with. While it may prove to be a good experience at first, you'll realize at some point that you can say much more about the topics you love, and constantly interact with. So, pick your choice of topic wisely. Make sure you feel good about it, and want to write about it as well. The feeling should be similar to knowing that you're going to help many people with your selection.

Step 2 - Give your topic an outline

Planning / ResearchSource: Pexels / Pixabay.com
Image Source: Pexels – Pixabay.com / License: CC0 Public Domain

You've got the topic at your hand - that's great. Now, it's time to outline your topic and make it look more like a blog post. This is an important step, because not doing this can be very frustrating later on. You'll either be struggling for words to add, or have too many and that will cause confusion.

Write down all the important things you want to touch on the particular topic you chose, then do some research and mix things up a little. You may also take this post as an example of how to construct a great blog post for your website. It's quite easy and simple, but it clearly works.

Step 3 - Begin the process of writing your blog post

Write blog post with WordPress
Image Source: StockSnap – Pixabay.com / License: CC0 Public Domain

Ok, now you've got a solid looking draft, you've got the topic you want to write about, and you have the outline. It's time to fill in the blanks. It's time to do research, reading, questioning, verifying of statements and so on. In this next phase of writing, you're pushing out everything you know and can learn about your topic of choice. The goal should be to write an informative and valuable blog post.

It's all about getting those words out there, at this point - nothing else but saying everything you think should be on your mind. Even if it doesn't feel right at this moment, just keep writing. Because during the next step you can carefully fine tune your article and make the necessary changes.

Step 4 - Editing your blog post

Editing with creative ideasSource: stux / Pixabay.com
Image Source: stux – Pixabay.com / License: CC0 Public Domain

It's not written on a wall, but many bloggers and writers believe that going over a written blog post for the second time is mandatory. This is true, because it gives the blogger a fresh perspective of what he has just written. In the best case, this should be done with a day's worth of time inbetween.

Editing your blog post is like verifying everything to yourself, having taken a brake from the topic for a while, and then returning to it. This proceedure will give you a lot more new ideas and perspectives of how to tackle a specific part of the blog post letting you edit or re-write certain parts if needed.

Step 5 - Publish and share your blog post

Social Media NetworksSource: Pixelkult / Pixabay.com
Image Source: Pixelkult – Pixabay.com / License: CC0 Public Domain

"The only way to win at content marketing is for the reader to say, This was written specifically for me."

It sounds quite easy, right? Well, you would be surprised to learn how many people overlook the simplicity of blogging. In the end, what matters is going to be the value that the reader is going to get out of having read your piece of content. It's always going to be about the content value. The last thing left to do is to hit that Publish button. Remember to share your post with friends, and if you can - remember to amplify your content with things like images, videos and quotes; it always works!

Wrapping up: Writing a great blog post

In just five short steps, you've found the way towards writing a great blog post. Easy to consume, actionable, and provides some insight into the blogging process of professional and expert bloggers. Less is more, simplicity is key. All these things come to mind when thinking of a great blog post. What are your thoughts about blogging? What is your blogging process? Do you have any additional blogging tips to share with other bloggers? Let us know in the comments.

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