It is no secret that more and more internet users are accessing their favourite websites through mobile devices and this trend is still just at the beginning! The world goes mobile and responsive websites are the future of the internet. But what does responsive mean?

What are the benefits of Responsive Webdesign?

The benefit of a responsive website is, that it automatically adapts its layout to fit almost any screen resolution and looks fantastic on mobile devices, like smartphones or tablet computers. So there is no need anymore to build a separate website for mobile. With responsive webdesign you have only one website with a single domain, which is suitable for almost any device out there. This leads to a massive increase in usability and it is more seach-engine friendly too.

Responsive WordPress Themes

If you don't have a clue how to build a responsive website, it doesn't matter. There are a lot of Responsive WordPress Themes and Templates out there, which you can easily install and benefit from a responsive website with little effort. In cooperation with we have launched an interesting infographic, which will try to answer the question "Why use Responsive WordPress Themes?". The infographic about responsive WordPress themes also includes some amazing facts on how the mobile usage of the internet is increasing:

Responsive WordPress Themes
Infographic "Why use Responsive WordPress Themes"

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