Every single day, thousands of individuals and business companies make the decision to launch their startup, either with a readily available product, or without one. Regardless of that, usually the first choice that one will need to make is to choose the type of back-end one wants to run for their website. These days, there's no shortage of custom-built content management systems out there, at least a dozen for each programming language.
If we take a look at the overall open-source CMS market share, we see a significant result, WordPress is all the way up above everyone else, and even the closest competitor is roughly 40% of shares away from being anywhere close to how many millions of websites WordPress is serving.
What that means for a startup owner is quite simple: a lot of free stuff to begin with! Because of the vast size of the WordPress community, Premium WordPress Themes and plugins are amongst the top attractions to this magnificent content management system, and there is so much more to it. In this post we will explore some of the reasons for choosing WordPress as your startup CMS choice.
1. Customization
As briefly mentioned in the paragraphs above, one of the main attractions for WordPress is the vast amount of themes and plugins that one can directly download from within his WordPress dashboard. To date, there are over 30,000 unique and free plugins available, with as many as 3,000+ free themes available. It's an ever-growing and increasing market that takes away the need to hire developers for every little thing that you want to accomplish. Lets go a little deeper to explore the actual benefits of these customizations.
2. One-Page vs. Multi-Purpose
In general, startups are all about product launches, so usually a startup will go for a single-page type of website that either scrolls down, or offers everything within the scope of a single page. The great thing is, WordPress is amazing at producing such pages, but what's even better is, that multi-purpose WordPress themes extend this functionality drastically.
One of our own themes, MH Impact displays this analogy in action very well, you can easily display your content in a single page as you would normally, but you get so much more without having to make any additional changes to your websites style. Talk about time efficiency.
3. Code Quality & Regulations
Nowadays, most of the modern WordPress themes that are being released to the market are coded by developers who're efficient in all of the modern languages, including: HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript - what this means for startups is, that there's no need to revert back to old-school programming, and the development process can move on as intended. It's very rare to see a modern theme using old standards, very rare.
4. Optimized for Business
Like it or not, WordPress is also all about content, and sharing content. If you're a startup and you're not running a content marketing strategy of some sorts, you're missing out big time. Content is one of the best ways to generate more clicks, visitors, leads and most importantly - money. Econsultancy has covered this particular topic very recently, and we highly recommend that you take a look.
If you cannot find options for optimizing your blog for search engines through the default options panel that a WordPress theme has, you can always opt for choosing a great search engine optimization WordPress plugin that will optimize your WordPress site for you, in a matter of a few clicks.
5. Email Management
In our own experience, we've to give WordPress email management options come credit. As a startup owner, email is going to be one of your main (if not the main) ways of communicating back to your customers, and because of this - WordPress is one of the top choices for great email management plugins and extensions.
To begin with, we've got for example the popular SumoMe extension which allows for custom email collection, and we've also got the likes of PopupAlly -- which makes it easy to sell your products across all of your sites pages. Remember, the more pages you've, the higher the potential for making a sale.
6. Member Management
WordPress mostly operates as a standalone blogging platform, but as already pointed out in the points above, it can very easily be made into a convenient startup website or a fully functional, bigger business website.
On top of that, WordPress by default allows membership options, and with the help of a couple of extra plugins, you could have your own members back-end running in no time. We've seen a lot of companies go down this route because it saves so much time and money spent on hiring additional developers, or having one of your own spend time elsewhere but the product you're trying to sell.
7. The Learning Curve
The last reason for choosing WordPress, in our own view, is one of the learning curve. Typically, a decent WordPress website will need to be hosted on a VPS server as a minimum, dedicated in some cases, and so that in itself brings forth the ability to learn more about this CMS from inside-out, rather than just pressing buttons from the admin dashboard. It used to be a CMS for the lazy, but has grown to be a true powerhouse that can cater to almost any business needs out there.