Increase website traffic
Image Source: geralt – / License: CC0 Public Domain

As startup entrepreneur you can often feel like the deck is stacked against you when it comes to the digital world. You don't have the same budget as your massive competitors, nor do you have the army of marketers that they can employ. So how can a small- or medium-sized business, against overwhelming odds, carve out its piece of the market? The tips below will give you some ideas:

  1. Facebook re-marketing
  2. Facebook email custom audiences
  3. Twitter re-marketing
  4. Twitter Cards
  5. Increase CTR through improved and optimized headlines
  6. Build an email list for email marketing
  7. Increase traffic through content marketing
  8. Promote your website on Facebook
  9. Optimize your site for SEO
  10. Automate your marketing emails

1. Facebook re-marketing

Facebook re-marketingSource: Pixelkult /
Image Source: Pixelkult – / License: CC0 Public Domain

Facebook can be a great promotion tool whether you're in the B2B or B2C industry. But did you know you can set up re-marketing audiences in Facebook as well? By implementing a Facebook tracking pixel on your site you can continue to market to customers who have visited your site. This can be a great way to encourage previous visitors to return to your business blog or website.

2. Facebook email custom audiences

Email addresses on Facebook
Image Source: geralt – / License: CC0 Public Domain

Staying with Facebook, you can also give that email list of yours a second life. Instead of just using it to blast emails to your customers once in a while, you can upload that list into Facebook and capture the social accounts of anyone that has their email address attached to it. This can be a huge benefit since it will allow you to market to those users through social media on their mobile devices.

3. Twitter re-marketing

Twitter remarketing
Image Source: Screenshot -

Twitter re-marketing works in almost the exact same way as Facebook re-marketing. Simply install the tracking pixel and you can now target your site's visitors on Twitter. The main difference is that Twitter may require a higher minimum audience count before you can start advertising.

4. Twitter Cards

Twitter Cards
Image Source: airrayagroup – / License: CC0 Public Domain

Twitter Cards can be a great tool to drive traffic to your site as well. Twitter Cards are larger tweets that incorporate images and allow you to have buttons built into the tweet. They allow you to have engaging calls to action, attractive images right in the stream, and you can even benefit from special functionality like having downloads attached directly to the tweet. Usually tweets with media get a lot more clicks than their text counterparts, so make sure you're using Twitter Cards.

5. Increase CTR through improved and optimized headlines

Optimize headlines
Image Source: ptra – / License: CC0 Public Domain

Did you know that many people will just read the headline of your blog post or ad? While having this in mind, it makes sense to spend time on improving and optimizing the headlines on your site for a better CTR (Click-Through-Rate). This will encourage people to click more often on your headlines and drive additional traffic to your site. Whether you're running ads on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or pay per click, make sure that your headlines are on point, always.

6. Build an email list for email marketing

Build email listSource: PublicDomainPictures /
Image Source: PublicDomainPictures – / License: CC0 Public Domain

You've already learned that you can use email addresses for social media marketing. But email marketing is also an awesome tool for driving traffic through newsletters. Make sure that you have a newsletter opt-in on your website. There are many professional tools and solutions for email marketing, one of the most popular is MailChimp. But please only send marketing emails to people who have subscribed to your newsletter, otherwise you may run into legal issues.

7. Increase traffic through content marketing

Content marketing
Image Source: Suomy – / License: CC0 Public Domain

Content marketing through professional blogging really does drive traffic to your website. If you're already running a blog on your website, you could increase the number of published posts per week to attract more visitors. Also try to publish high-quality posts that cover the needs of your target audience. Professional and clever content marketing can not only increase your website traffic, but also strenghtens your SEO on the long run.

8. Promote your website on Facebook

Facebook promotion
Image Source: Mizter_x94 – / License: CC0 Public Domain

You may have heard that Facebook has cut back on their organic reach. This means that almost no one will see your social media posts on Facebook. Instead, you need to put a little bit of budget behind them to promote your posts. A good strategy is to have a campaign constantly running that is featuring your blog posts and target that campaign towards your custom audience and re-marketing audience as described above. This will usually increase your fan count on Facebook as well.

9. Optimize your site for SEO

Image Source: WDnet – / License: CC0 Public Domain

Trying to manipulate search engine rankings is a losing proposition at this point. Instead, what you should be concerned with is making your site look as good as possible for search engine robots that will be crawling your website. Spending time on SEO optimization is always time well spent.

10. Automate your marketing emails

Image Source: 3151940 – / License: Public Domain CC0

Automation can be the key to success for many things, at least when it comes to online businesses. It's not only less cost-intensive, but can also be much more effective, especially if you're dealing with lots of emails. For example if you're running a subscription based business, it would make absolutely sense to automatically email your customers once their subscription is about to expire. This not only may increase your traffic, but also may lead to recurring revenue.

Conclusion: Ways to increase your website traffic

You've now learned some easy and straightforward ways to instantly increase your website traffic. Of course not every suggestion will instantly work for your business because the success also depends on your niche and target audience. But usually it definitely pays off to experiment and to try things out. By doing this, you'll not only gain valuable experience, but it may also lead to an increase of traffic and revenue on your website. Do you have any other useful and effective suggestions to increase website traffic? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

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